Women's Week Project!
Hi there, welcome to the Women's week! We are in Project of the Week and each week we work on different topics. In 6th grade the project of this week is about inportant and influential Women during History. I will be opening the new project with a podcast! have you ever heard a podcast? There are many podcast in different online platforms such as Spotify, SoundCloud...
In this case, I have created a podcast using SoundCloud to introduce you the project of this week: inportant and influential women during history. The project's aim will be to research about important woman in a specific area such as arts, sports, science, cinema, fashion... The students will be gathered into groups of 3-4 people, each group will have a specific field: arts, science, sports, literature, medicine... Therefore, each group will be attached to an area, and they will have to research about a woman in their field. For example, if the field is medicine, the group will have to find a woman that has contributed to the field of medicine or a woman that has been very inportant in that field.
So, after having collected information about a woman, the work of the students will be the following oneour work what would it be? To research about a woman of our field and then do two things:
- Create a podcast of 1-2 minutes about the woman you have chosen.
- Make a presentation in class to expose the others your woman.
Bellow you can see the guide I have prepared in order to prepare this podcast and activities for the students.
Below you can find the podcast I have created and my channel if you want to check my following podcasts. Have fun!
Women's week (CC BY 4.0)
The podcast I have created to introduce this project was made with Audacity and uploaded in SoundCloud. Here you can see how Audacity is and how does it work.

Audacity is a very good tool to edit your podcast as it is very easy. As you can see in the image above, there are so many options for the audio, effects... It has been easy for me to work on with Audacity.
SoundCloud is an app and a website where you can upload audios that can be distributed and shared. Not only can they be shared but you can also create group playilists to share with your students audios or even track themselves podcasts. There are several advantages regarding the use of SoundCloud to our academic purposes:
- Is a free platform, so everyone can use it.
- There is a wide variety of audios, playlist, tracks, podcast that you might find useful.
- The option for creating online groups gives teachers a huge opportunity to share wih our students something with a different tool.
- You can create as much playlist as you want. You can create playlists depending on the gender or the author. It's amazing!
- It has a wide variety of music sessions, songs, playlists, podcast to hear that is really engaging.
Hope to hear your podcasts soon! Bye!
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